
Into the future.

In 2017, I was approached by Alberto Lugo, President of INVID Group, to redesign their brand.

INVID is an award-winning software engineering organization that creates custom software to solve business challenges. Founded in 2003 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, INVID is used by various organizations in the United States and the Caribbean to produce software solutions that capture the attention of employees, improve processes, and foster collaboration.

The company’s portfolio of services includes strategic consulting on technology, software design, development, and full lifecycle management of custom applications. INVID is proud to have a diverse client portfolio that includes large and small companies in various industries, including government, health, banking, insurance, and education, among others. As a Microsoft Certified Partner for over 15 years, INVID has twice received the Partner of the Year award.

INVID - Logo 2.png

Primary Logotype

The new INVID GROUP logo is a contemporary interpretation of coding elements. This rebranding has removed the wave pattern and word “group” from the logo in order to give a more modern feel to the logotype.

The brackets represent the company’s expertise: high-level software development. The use of a slightly rounded typeface allows the viewer to experience a slightly playful yet elegant feel, making the brand feel young, yet experienced.

INVID - Logo 3.png

Logo Architecture

The logotype may appear on its own, or depending on the campaign, with a tagline or other message below.

Specific proportional guides on how much each component is spaced in response to the other components. “X” represents the height that tag lines should have in comparison to the logo. “2X” represents the distance between the tagline and the logotype. It is also twice the size of the tag line. “Y” Represents the logo’s limit. Tag lines should not exceed this limit. “Z” Represents the width of the tag line. This particular tagline fits inside the braces.


INVID - Color 1.png


This combination is more sober and not as dark, making it less serious and intimidating, but without diminishing its resourcefulness, attention to detail, and trustworthy nature. This combination would make any spectator understand from the get-go that INVID is a business that inspires greatness.

INVID - Color 2.png

The Clash

Named for its exploration into deeper blue territory. Unafraid to go onward into the unknown. It is a color of the future. Bolder and darker than the blues of previously shown companies. Although new, it is a very familiar color that evokes success.

INVID - Color 3.png


It is the color of creators, innovators, and thinkers. The darker the shade, the more mature the creative process. A hint of carrot brings a bit more of balance to the color, making it a great color palette for those who wish to show off the creative side.

Color Breakdown

Oblivion, The Clash, and Agent Orange are gradients composed of two or three colors. This page of the guide will have an explanation of each gradient in case it is needed.

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INVID - Color 5.png
INVID - Color 6.png


